45 countries limit for Eurovision 2008

Well, well, well, haven't the EBU been busy.

The recently published rules of Eurovision 2008 state that a maximum of 45 countries can take part - meaning a maximum of 20 countries in each semi final, plus the 5 prequalified countries (Serbia, France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom).

Another issue discussed at the EBU's Eurovision Song Contest Reference Group meeting in Belgrade last weekend was the Big Four and how they will fit into the new two semi-final format. It was confirmed by the EBU that the proposal put to the EBU Television Committee by the reference group includes the proposal that France, Spain, Germany and the United Kingdom, along with host country, Serbia, will all broadcast and vote in one of the semi finals.

the EBU Reference Group and RTS, next year's Eurovision Song Contest host broadcaster held their second meeting in Belgrade. The topics discussed were the 2008 theme art, the launch of the official website and most importantly the dates of the two semi finals and the way the countries will be divided between them.

"This might be the most important Reference Group meeting since 2003, when the new format featuring one Semi-Final was accepted," stated Svante Stockselius, the EBU Executive Supervisor of the Eurovision Song Contest.

The most important issues discussed were those of the dates and the format of the two semi finals. The Reference Group proposed that the two semis be held on two different dates, Tuesday 20th and Thursday 22nd of May. The countries have been divided in groups (pots) according to statistical data- geographical position and voting patterns since 2004- and, in the case the proposal is approved by the TV Committee, the initial draw that will decide which country participates in which semi final will take place in January. That will ensure that broadcasters have ample time to schedule their transmissions. The final running order will be drawn as in previous years during the Head of Delegation's meeting in Belgrade next March.
RTS updated the Reference Group about the stage of the preparations and their plans for the upcoming contest. A revamped edition of the sublogo and theme art was presented and was commented upon by the members of the Reference Group. The finalised version of the artwork as well as the stage will be decided upon before the end of the year.

The official 2008 Eurovision Song Contest website wil be launched by the Interactive Unit of Eurovision TV, the TV department of the EBU, in cooperation with RTS. A live webcast of the final and both semi finals will be provided on the site, just as it was last year.
Proposals agreed at this weekend's reference group meeting will now be put forward to the EBU Television committee for final approval.

On Wednesday, official confirmation from the ESC Today website showed that the proposals put forwards by the Eurovision Song Contest Reference Group for final approval by the EBU Television Committee includes the intention for both semi finals to be broadcast live. Svante Stockselius, Executive Supervisor for the Eurovision Song Contest, confirmed in an email to esctoday.com that the proposal put forwards for approval is for both semi finals to be broadcast live. Each country will broadcast the semi final in which they participate in and can vote in that semi final.

With both shows being broadcast live on Tuesday 20th May and Thursday 22nd May, broadcasters will be able to broadcast both shows live if they wish to do so.

[ESC Today]


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