The Azerbaijani entry for the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest was released by Warner Music.

Always was composed by Arash and will be performed by the composer and newcomer AySel in Moscow.



  1. Cred ca va cistiga. Are ritm, o poti fredona imediat dupa ce se termina chiar si in timpul drularii ei, degaja forta, dar in acelasi si romantism, optimism. Este genul care poate sa dureze in timp, nu unul comercial, solistii duetului se sincronizeaza perfect. Pe parcursul melodiei se observa o groaza de instrumente combinate destul de bine, este compusa din mai multe etape....

  2. Translate into English
    They will win. IT has rythm, you can sing it immediatly after it's over, even in time of its playing, it shows strongness, but in the same time romantism, optimism. It's the kind of song which stays up in time, not that commercial one, the singers syncronise perfectly. Durring the melody we observe plany instruments well combinated, sounds so good


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