Liechtenstein: 1FLTV ready to join the EBU

Liechtenstein's only television broadcaster 1FLTV has launched an apply of admission to the EBU. Being a member of the European Broadcasting Union is obligatory to be allowed to take part in the Eurovision Song Contest. The country is ready to have its debut in the competition in the near future.

1FLTV director Peter Kölbel has stated that the negotiations with the EBU are progressing. He also revealed that it might be possible for Liechtenstein to take part in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2010 already. However, this would demand a change of the regulations: the membership will not be confirmed before December although the number of participating countries in the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest has to be definite in November. Kölbel stated that the EBU is therefore considering a change of the regulations, but nothing has been confirmed yet.

Source: ESC Today



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