EBU Tinkers With Draw for Eurovision Running Order

The European Broadcasting Union has announced what it is spinning as another interesting twist to the way the draw for the running order of the Eurovision Song Contest is organised.
In a move that would strike any sane person as being monumentally ill thought out, the delegation heads from the first three countries picked will get to choose where their song appears in the final line-up, presumably ensuring the last three places are quickly snapped up.
It also ensures that should the song flounder, blame can be firmly lumped onto the fall guy who decided where it should appear.The draw for the semi-final will allow the first five chosen nations to decide when they wish to sing.
With a marathon show featuring 29 songs, singing late might be risky. The standard of songs chosen so far this year looks set to ensure viewers tune away in their millions long before the final sets of poorly conceived pyrotechnics light up the stage.
The decision ranks high in the list of madcap ideas which have recently included allowing a country the right to vote despite being incapable of deciding on a song for the show, removing any interest and tension from the voting, allowing countries that miss out on the final a say in the winner, pricing tickets at rates that make them almost prohibitive for all but the most dedicated fans and allowing Belarus, a country that condones the arrest and beating of foreign journalists, to take part in a contest dedicated to united a continent in song.
Despite the contest now containing more entries than ever before, viewing figures remain at the same level as they were when just 24 took part. Overall numbers are down vastly in some countries which had been regarded as traditional strong audiences for the contest, often used to encourage sponsors to back the show.
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