Ireland: Irish turkey says No to EU treaty

BBC News reports.....

Ireland's EU treaty No campaigners have recruited the country's most famous turkey to help secure crucial votes in Thursday's referendum.

Dustin the Turkey crashed out of this year's Eurovision Song Contest at the semi-final stage.

Now he appears on posters with the slogan: "They didn't vote for us. Get them back. Vote No to Lisbon."

The glove puppet's song Irelande Douze Pointe received too few points from Europeans in the Belgrade contest.

No campaigners say that result last month should be avenged by rejection of the EU's Lisbon Treaty.

Ireland is the only member state to hold a referendum on the treaty and the country has seen a frenzied poster campaign from both sides.

The turkey joins the already widespread No posters that feature three monkeys with the slogan: "The new EU won't see you, won't hear you, won't speak for you."

Dustin's name has surfaced a number of times in the campaign, with Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams, who is also advocating a No vote, suggesting that the turkey could have done a better job representing Ireland's national interests in negotiations over the treaty.

Ireland's Prime Minister Brian Cowen has accused groups opposed to the treaty of spreading misinformation.

The two sides are locked in a tight contest, with many voters still undecided on the eve of the crucial vote.


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