Eurovision 2009: EBU will publish the final jury results

The European Broadcasting Union will publish the results of the juries that are voting in the final this year, according to their latest press release.

A detailed PDF document sets out the rules and guidelines for the juries, and includes the following, that: ''The results of the national juries will be published by the EBU’s Executive Supervisor of the Eurovision Song Contest through''.

In summary of the rules, five jurors will judge the entries for the final during the second dress rehearsal, which takes place on Friday May 15. Each national jury will be monitored by an independent auditor, and must consist of a variety of members in terms of age, gender and background.

The jurors must also be citizens of the country in which they are sitting. Further to concerns about the impartiallity, the EBU has ruled that ''None of the jury members must be connected with any of the participating songs/artists in such a way that they cannot vote independently. The participating broadcasters must send a letter of compliance with the voting instructions together with signed declarations by each jury member stating that they will vote independently''.

The names of the jurors must be revealed by the broadcasters either before, or during, the Eurovision Final. Each juror will award points 12, 10, and 8-1 to their favourite songs. These will then be collated. In the event of a tie, the higher set of points will be awarded based on a show of hands within the jury. The points from the just (in the 12, 10, 8-1 format) will then be merged with the televoting results (where the country that scored the most votes from the public gets 12 points, etc). In the event of a tie here, the higher set of points will be awarded to the country which received the most public votes.

Source: and Oikotomes.



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