EBU: strict broadcasting rules imposed by the IOC.

As the Olympics are well underway, The governing body of the Olympics told all members of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) that no audio or video material gathered inside the accredited area could be streamed outside their home country.

The EBU disputed the restrictions earlier this year but was not successful. While it is common to restrict worldwide streaming of actual sporting events, the depth of these restrictions are highly unusual.

For instance, if an Irish presenter was to interview an Irish person via a mobile phone and they happened to be in an official Olympic car, the IOC requires that interview is blocked. As such, live streams of all news programmes will not be accessible outside any EBU broadcasting country.

'This is an unfortunate policy given the size of the Irish Diaspora,' says RTÉ.ie News Editor Joe Zefran. '45% of our users come from outside of Ireland which means almost half of our audience will be underserved during the Olympics.'



  1. I propose we'd boycot Vancouver's telecasts in 2010 and read the results from a newspaper.

    IOC has gone over the line, and this conduct should not be tolerated. Shame on you IOC! Shame on you!

    Tarmo from Estonia


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