10 esc songs in UK Chart

For the first time in recent years, there are three Eurovision Song Contest entry in the official UK Chart top100 . Scooch successfully held onto 8th spot that they occupied on the midweek chart as reported by esctoday.com. Verka Serduchka dropped from 20th on Wednesday to 28th on the final chart, and Serebro, who finished third for Russia just scraped into the top 100 at 99.

Contest winner, Marija Serifovic dropped out of the top 100 but was still placed 112 in the chart, which officially lists the top 200 purchased songs including hard copy and download sales. In total, 10 Eurovision Song Contest entries can be found on the list, including the 2006 winners, Lordi as Hard Rock Hallelujah made a re-entry at number 164.

Scooch were at number one on the midweek chart based solely on hard copy CD sales, and tomorrow, there will be confirmation as to whether they were the highest selling cd single of the week. All other eight songs from the 2007 Eurovision Song Contest have charted based on downloads alone as reported on esctoday.com on Wednesday.

All Eurovision Song Contest songs that made if onto the official UK Chart:
8 Scooch - Flying the (flag for you)

28 Verka Serduchka - Dancing lasha tumbai

99 Serebro - Song #1

112 Marija Serifovic - Molitva

114 Sarbel - Yassou Maria

121 The Ark - The worrying kind

122 Hanna - Leave me alone

144 Les Fatals Picards - L'amour a la francaise

164 Lordi - Hard Rock Halleljah (re-entry)

175 Sopho - Visionary Dream


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