2 countries used juries for 2007 Contest

According to ESCToday, the EBU has confirmed two of this year's 42 participating countries at the Eurovision Song Contest gave their points awarded by back-up jury. Andorra and Albania did not use the televote results because they did not meet the EBU's sight security level of calls.

The two juries did effect the result of the Eurovision Song Contest to some extent. The most notable difference was at the bottom of the scoreboard, where Ireland, although finishing in last place for the first time in their Eurovision history, were spared the shame of the dreaded 'nul points' by the Albanian jury.

France, who finished in 22nd place along with the United Kingdom on 19 points, received 12 of their points (two thirds) from the two juries alone: 4 points from Albania and 8 points from Andorra. The remaining French points came from Armenia (2), Estonia (2) and Lithuania (3).

Of the two back-up juries used, Eurovision Song Contest winners, Serbia, only received one point (from Albania), whilst second placed Ukraine received 12 (all from Andorra) and third placed Russia received just three points (also from Andorra). Germany scored consistently from both juries (6 points from Albania, 5 points from Andorra). If the German score from the two juries had been mirrored across all 42 countries, Roger Cicero would have finished with 231 points and a top three position.

Although two back-up juries is far fewer than needed to make a full assessment of the difference between televote results and jury voting, it is interesting to note that the countries receiving the most votes from the juries were France, Spain, Ukraine and Germany - three of the 'Big Four Countries'. The fourth, the United Kingdom, received no points from either jury.


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