Eurovision: The Movie (Do I care!)

Well, we suppose it was only a matter of time before someone decided to make a Eurovision movie - and now it’s about to happen. According to reports, Borat screenwriter Dan Mazer and History Boys producer Damian Jones have struck a deal with UK giants Working Title (the people behind Notting Hill, Bridget Jones’ Diary and countless other hits) to make a movie based on the contest.

There’s no word yet on when the project, provisionally titled Eurovision: The Movie, will hit cinemas, or even who’s likely to star. So given that Team Eurovision has been saying for ages that a Eurovision-themed film would be a really good idea (which is another way of saying ‘we had that idea years ago but we never got to make it because we’re not big shot film producers who hang out with celebrities’) we thought it would be nice to offer them a little help.


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