Eurovision 2009: Australia's SBS will air all Eurovision shows

SBS has confirmed that they will be airing both Eurovision Song Contest semi finals and the Grand final.

SBS, the Australian broadcaster mainly targeted to ethnic groups in Australia, will be airing all finals of the 54th Eurovision Song Contest to be staged in Moscow, Russia.

All times are in Australian time:

  • Semi-final 1 - Friday May 15th, 2009 at 19:30
  • Semi-final 2 - Saturday May 16th, 2009 at 19:30
  • Grand Final - Sunday May 17th, 2009 at 19:30


  1. cant wait...hopefully we ddont get the uk bitter and envious commentary

  2. Is anywhere in Brisbane going to actually broadcast the finals so we can watch it on a big screen and have a drink while we enjoy it?

  3. I will miss Terry's comentary, eurovision won't be the same with out him. I love the way he takes micky out of all the countries including his own. All the same with him or without I can't wait!!!

    Rosi - S.A.

  4. Just as long as they don't announce the winners on the news beforehand and spoil the shows!

    And here's hoping the sbs announcers don't try to copy Terry, we should be right.

  5. I really liked Des Mangan's commentary on SBS the year he did it, he was so enthusiastic and excited. And Wogan never disses his own country, even though they completely suck every year. Don't need someone being sarcastic and giving the entries shit, they do that to themselves every year anyways! can't wait.

  6. macedonia did really good and were the only country who sang in their own language why didnt they make it through????

  7. I love that "the bitter and twisted English commentator:his cynicism and bias is amusing.He is really a Eurovision classic!
    I loved the Red Army choir-awesome!!!!They are worth checking out on Youtube eg performing w. Leningrad Cowboys. The semi commentators...obviuosly lots of Russian champagne and vodka; who was going to press whose buttons?...

  8. i hate the compares for sbs BORING
    WHERE iS TERRY WOGAN he is eurovision
    i want to cry they are wrecking the nights fun.

  9. NEtherlands # fat men in glittersuit ah i love this show

  10. Macedonians where the only one to sing in their own language??? Well either you do not have a knowledge of many other European languages or have not watched the whole show!

  11. Apparently Terry Wogan has retired. That's why SBS is doing their own comperehensive coverage. So no point in whingeing about lack of Wogan, sorry dudes.

  12. just watching the eurovision, and the female comentator highlighted greece alot when they came on because of her backgrond, i found that very unprofessioal get rid of her she was crap, had no taste in music at all.

  13. These people are great fantastic singers! How can anyone decide who to vote for!?!

  14. Yes, yes! So agree with anonymous of Sunday May 3rd. So hoped we wouldn't get the super negative commentary of the UK! It was ghastly and nasty. Australia's SBS are doing such a great and appreciative job for us this year! Thank you. Delightful! Go Iceland!

  15. Well done sbs on eurovision 2009. The presenter were excellent and I really enjoyed it . Norway deserved to win a great song but I as very sad Ireland didn't make the semifinal (block voting by the eastern europens). I Have watched eurovision since dana won in 1970 when I was six years old. Moscow put on a great final and proved panel voting picked the best song. Thank you. Michael Alldritt


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