Eurovision 2008 Semi Final 1

Just looking around in the Arena before the show starts, it seems only half full.
Show starts, two girls singing the Te Deum song, then a choir sing and a band is playing jazz music, "Congratulations" and "Waterloo" and "Volare".
Couples painted in blue and red are dancing.
Presenters appear. there is a very small audience. there are showing the countries that are singing tonight.
MONTENEGRO: Great Presentation. Looks very confident on stage. Everything went smoothly, just missed a few camera shots, but a great start. Great reaction from the audience.
ISRAEL: Big reaction when he starts. Crowd really love this. He starts in Hebrew and then in English. Another great reaction from the audience.
ESTONIA: Muted response and a bit of booing for Estonia before they start. This better not go through. More booing at the end.
MOLDOVA: Nice response from the crowd, but this is a no from me.
SAN MARINO: This country makes their debut. Nice welcome response from the crowd. Good song, could it sneak in?
BELGIUM: This has really grown on me. Great reaction from the crowd, clapping along. They love her here, she could get through.
AZERBAIJAN: An electric performance from them. This country is also making their debut. Great reaction.
SLOVENIA: Not sure about the jail thing, but a great confident performance, this country could get into the final.
NORWAY: Great performance from them, she really knew how to work those cameras. Good reaction. My commenter in Ireland said "a surprising reaction". Could be a contender.
POLAND: The "whitest teeth in Eurovision" is on. Powerful performance. Great reaction from the crowd. A possible contender.
Presenters come on to talk about the voting.
IRELAND: The first non human entry to the contest (so they say!). Mixed reaction. "Did we win" he said at the end. I am really confused about how it will go. Bit of booing at the end.
ANDORRA: What is that on her head? Great song, a possible contender, should get through. Great reaction.
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA: That girl scares me every time I look at her, and that guy aswell. I have a sudden feeling this will get through.
ARMENIA: Brilliant song. What a performance. Crowd love it. Has to go to the final.
THE NETHERLANDS: Great performance and positive reaction from the crowd, but I don't think it is enough to get to the final.
FINLAND: Rock! Rock! This a sure no. Crowd like it, but it won't get to the final.
ROMANIA: Love this song and a clean performance. Crowd love it.
RUSSIA: Brilliant performance. 100% sure that it is going to the final.
GREECE: Wow, what a sexy girl. Brilliant. Sure to get through.
Presenters are back in black to talk about the voting.
Popular tennis player appears to start the voting.
Voting starts. 15 minutes to vote. Recap of songs.
Showing the winners in Serbia: Tennis, Football etc.
While the recap is on, here is what I believe will get through, in no particular order.
Countries through to the Eurovision final (in no particular order):
Ireland are out! imagine the press in the morning! Biggest shock in Finland. I was wrong in two.
Oh well its over. Not surprise really. Good songs went through and so glad Estonia did not go through.
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