Eurovision 2009: Moscow is the host city

Oikotimes reports that Moscow has been confirmed as Eurovision 2009 host city.

The city recently hosted the Football Champions League, and
is known as the most expensive city in the world.

Due to strict restrictions, it will be hard for people to attend the show.


Negotiations between the EU and Russia on introducing a visa waiver programme will not be in place before May and most foreigners will still need visa to enter the Russian Federation. The only exceptions are Montenegro, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine, Belarus and Israel who's passport holders don't need a visa.



  1. What type of strict restrictions? why it will be hard for people to attend the show?

  2. naomi1989,

    about the restrictions, i think people getting visa's to the country might be difficult than we think but I am sure.

    the champions league football final was held in Moscow in May, the day after the first semi final and many complained about been unable to get a visa. in the end the officials allowed fans who had a match ticket to use it as a visa.

    maybe the writer of this article can tell us more?

  3. Right, it may be difficult to get the visa...There is a visa facilitation agreement between Russia & Schengen but nevertheless Russia makes it difficult in the matter of visa issuing...Welcome back Soviet times...thanks Putin !

  4. It has nothing to do with Soviet times.

    It's just russian government makes the same rules for europian countries as they made it for us russians who want to travel to europe. I think it's totaly fair!

    I'm Russian and I know it's hard for poeple with russian passports to get Schengen visa or to any other county in europe.
    I've been to emabssies. They always ask to bring lots papers and so on, then you have to pass interview. and now you're saying Back Soviet Time??? So who made it hard?

    I know for sure russian government allows you to travel to russia without visa only if your country allows russians to travel to your country without visa.

  5. yea evgeny, if a country allows you for gettin visa, Russians ll do same thing...
    regards from Turkiye:)

  6. Have you heard the romanian song choosen for Eurovision 2009? Elena- The balkan girls. It's suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper.

  7. its brilliant...


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