Ireland: "Dustin will be killed early"

Paddy Clancy of the Irish Independent, reports that winning Eurovision song-writer Shay Healy has predicted that Dustin the Turkey will flop for Ireland in this year's contest.

Dustin, with 'Irlande Douze Points', competes tomorrow night in the first semi-final in a bid to qualify for the final in Belgrade on Saturday.

Healy, who wrote the Johnny Logan hit 'What's Another Year' 28 years ago, said choosing Dustin to compete for Ireland was a disastrous move.

"The song is kind of witless. There's one joke about Terry Wogan's wig which nobody will get anyway. I fear that the poor auld turkey is going to be killed early this year."

Shay said the song was a let-down, not because it deprived genuine song-writers of an opportunity but because it was so bad.

"If they had to do it like this they should have got a a witty song, and they should have got a puppet singing in tune at least."

Shay admitted that despite his lack of faith in Ireland's prospects he would still be tuning in.

"I'm dying to see what kind of production they put around Dustin," he said.


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