Terry Wogan is problem, says Eurovision chief

He is as much a part of the Eurovision Song Contest as Boom Bang-a-Bang by Lulu, or Bucks Fizz ripping off their skirts.

However, Sir Terry Wogan's irreverent presentation has been criticised by the man in charge for making the annual event look "ridiculous".

Bjorn Erichsen, director of Eurovision television, has claimed that Wogan's commentary is a "problem" which undermines the contest's reputation.

Read more here.


  1. Terry is such an irritating man to listen to...he should shut up so we can hear the songs and commentators, he just loves to hog the stage.

  2. Terry Wogan is the most unpleasant presenter (if we can even call him that) on British TV.
    Every time I have watched Eurovision he ruins the whole thing with his deeply offensive and xenophobic comments towards nearly every other european country, but particularly towards Eastern Europe.
    My blood boils when I think that we are all funding fat cats like him to talk utter rubbish on television through our license fee.
    He is nothing more than a dumb twat, who obviously thinks that
    he can say what he wants, no matter how many people he is going to offend.
    Scrap the hated license fee! Freedom for television in the UK!
    Private TV stations would not allow people like him to apear and spread their poison.

    And just why did they give this arogant prick a knighthood?!!

  3. Terry is far from arrogant, nor is he offensive. His wit provides a sharp and welcome contrast to the endless onslaught of "songs". If a comentator took it too seriously the programme would be painful. Terry has the guts to verbalise what many of us think or wish we were witty enough to think. Long may he continue.
    I would miss his commentary enormously


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